I’m actually working on thousands of data I collected from the field. Each of them has tag in their name representing the location I collected the data from. Unfortunately due to procedural constraints, I couldn’t add locations in the form. But I took care of putting it in the file I submitted. But now that I look on Kobo Toolbox, I can’t figure out how to know which file is related to which data. Is there a way to solve my issue?
3 as marked here is the variable name that you have within your survey form and 4 as marked here is the search filter within that variable.
If its a text question type you can make a search by simply typing the text that you wish to search under the variable that you wish. If its a select_one or select_multiple question type you can search the choice by typing the value not the label within the search field as shown in the image below:
As shown in the image above, we are trying to search for other that has been entered for the variable Which fruit do you like the most?(which is a select_multiple question). Please make sure that i have typed 5 (which is a value) for other. Choice other for this variable is a label. So concluding, we have 3 cases within our survey project which has other as a choice for the question Which fruit do you like the most?
Thanks for the answer. However I am not talking about variable names. I’m rather refering to the survey files I uploaded. Lemme explain: once I finish a survey, I rename it and upload it. I took care of putting localization keywords in the file names but not in the variables. So now I’m trying to figure out how I can find them back so I can add them to the table (yeah it was my mistake, I know).
The data management table seems to not offer anything which can help me to do that.
So is it that you wish to see this name viz. Date(Formatted)(as shown in the image below) that you see/have at the end of the survey in your dataset so that you could search the exact case that you submitted to the KoBoToolbox server.
Exactly!!! I’m trying to find this name. My issue is that the surveyors are still on the field with their phone so I cannot access the Kobo Collect app. My task is to approve submissions and work on the uploaded data on a daily basis. My only task left is to add a localization variable. I’m planning to download the data and add them manually but first I need to figure out which data was collected where (through the file name).
Is there a way to deal with that?
Sorry to inform you that KoBoToolbox (at the moment) does not have this feature which displays the instance_name within the data-set. If you wish to see the same, i would advise you to make a new feature request here. Also please try to follow this guideline outlined here while filling up the same.
The name of instance definition on KoBoCollect is limited to the KoBoCollect app. It will not automatically upload onto the KoBoToolBox server. The workaround is to always create a variable which picks exactly the same “calculation” parameters as what you had used to create the instance defination. That way you should be sure to find this within the data table when you look
Dear @stephanealoo,
How can those KoBo variables be referenced? Like ${language}? ${instance_name}? ${version}?
It’s a more general question, please.
Best regards
You are referencing the variables approiately with ${NameofQuestion} . You however need to use concat function in the instance name to pick them e.g. concat(${q1},${q2},${q3})
Dear @stephanealoo,
Sorry, this was misunderstood. I wanted to know how/if the “instance_name” or the “language” or the “version” etc., i.e. these system variables can be referenced themselves?
Kind regards