How do i identify a respondent if he/she belongs to a particular group?

Thanks Kal, just a follow up question. If I would like to identify from the potential household members the person or persons whose names are on the lease or mortgage, how would i do that? I would like to have those persons identified and more questions asked of them, and be able to distinguish them as the “primary applicants”.

Hi @scherrie,

You could do this using the pulldata function in KoBoToolbox. Please have a look at our support article here to learn more on pulldata. Also feel free to have a look at some discussions that should help you better understand pulldata that has been discussed in the community forum here.

Have a great day!


I will take a look. Seems to me that I somehow always designs surveys that require some not basic functions. I appreciate the support given, but would love to know if there are any courses that Kobo Toolbox offers where more hands on training is offered.

Kal just a point of clarification the persons that I want to be able to identify as the primary applicants within the household to ask further questions is to occur in the same form. I am not using another survey form. I need to identify these persons in the current form being captured. Does pull data work within one form?

Hi @scherrie,

Yes, it should work.

Have a great day!

Hello @Kal_Lam,

I would highly appreciate if you can provide an example for that. So far, I thought pull data only works with external csv file.
Thanks in advance

Hi @wroos,

I meant Yes here as the enumerator will enter the name of the household which will match the name from the csv file (uploaded externally) using the pulldata function that we normally do.

Have a great day!

Hello @Kal_Lam,
I am sorry, I thought there might be an (expert) option to use pulldata against a repeat group also, for example to find the youngest female person with age between 0 and 5.

Hi @wroos,

Do you mean you wish to identify the name of the member who falls within the age group 0-5 years from within the household?

Have a great day!

Hello @Kal_Lam,
sorry, not being clear. Just as example:
The youngest female person(s) with age between 0 and 5
E…g. the two girls with age 2 in a household with members (repeat-group) of age:
2 girl, 2 girl, 3 girl, 5 boy; 12 girl, 28 woman, 35 man).

More general, I just wanted to know if pulldata might be used against a repeat group.
Kind regards

Hi @wroos
Yes, you can use pull data against a repeat group, however it is only the form that needs to be having the repeat group and not the data sitting the CSV of the pull data. You may have to structure your logic before you try implementation. Reach out with more and I can help structure.


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Hello @stephanealoo,
sorry, was misunderstood.
My question is: Is there is any trick that pulldata function can PULL FROM a repeat group (instead of from an external csv)?
Kind regards

Hi @wroos
Theoretically speaking, this can only be done by the use of a “calculate” questions. However, you must create your clear logic before implementation. See sample form

Attached here PullInternally.xlsx (10.8 KB)

This is the behaviour

I hope this gives you the workaround you were looking

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@wroos did this work for you?

I didn’t get it figured out in order for it to work. I am very new to kobo and try my best to understand the guidance given. Sometimes I get other times I don’t.

Did you try it as I had suggested in my post

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