How do i pull my data in power bi?

Hello community,
Could you please assist. I have a problem in pulling my data into PowerBI I have followed instructions on Kobo Help Center but when i copy past the link its doesn’t work and the following message appears : l’accès à la ressource est interdite translation : access to the resource is prohibited. So i think i have a problem to find the right URL link ; please help.

Hi @saralo,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind sharing with us the link that you tried. We would like to see if the link is OK.

Have a great day!

Thanks a lot for your rapid feedback.
So here is the following link that i pasted several times on Power Bi :

So what i did was using my user name : saralo
Also, i used this information that i found on the URL of my Kobo form : aux3m9JLuj84PeJKbQGFU9

Thank you very very much for your support.
Best regards,

Hi @saralo,

Would you mind going through the support article Pulling your data into PowerBI. It should help you sort out your issue.

Have a great day!

I have tried following this link. So i copy this link in the search bar :
But it did not work. I am still struggling to find the unique URL. So i still can’t export to Power Bi my data from kobo,

Hi @saralo,

Please be informed that 351154 you are using is a sample shown in the support article. To identify the exact number please also have a look at this support article Pulling your data into Excel Power Query.

Have a great day!

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