How do I restrict the data in a matrix, so that it accepts empty data or numbers greater than '0', that is, it meets any of the conditions

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How do I restrict the data in a matrix, so that it accepts empty data or numbers greater than ‘0’, that is, it meets any of the conditions

Welcome to the community, @Tocuadrado2! Sorry could not understand your issue. Could you explain them with a dummy question and a response so that we are able to understand your query?

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Estoy trabajando en una matriz para saber la cantidad de personas en un hogar ademas de conocer el Sexo, me están pidiendo que la matriz solo acepte datos numéricos o datos en blancos, “Contando que la pregunta es obligatoria”.

Do you mean, you wish to leave the question unanswered if not applicable (and skip the same) in a matrix question?

Si correcto Kal, o dejarla mejor en cero automáticamente.
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Kal, como hago para que aparezca una respuesta por defecto es decir automática, que al inicio todo sea cero “0”

Maybe this post discussed previously should help you get your answer:

Muchas gracias Kal. resuelto el problema. te agradezco mucho.

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