The new ability to transfer surveys & data is great.
But what if someone leaves the organization without doing that transfer? How do we retroactively get access to their surveys & data and transfer them to other accounts? (We obviously don’t have that person’s Kobo password)
Welcome back to the community, @rebeccalk! You can only transfer the project ownership on a mutual agreement with the staff who left the organization. Or maybe make a checklist of things to handover when he/she is leaving the organization.
So if they’ve left, then there’s no way to get that data? (Forms, at least, can be re-created from the URL)
(Obviously yes, this should be done as part of the exist process; but in real life it doesn’t always happen.)
Someone from Kobo told me that our IT head needs to e-mail Kobo with the person’s account name or organizational e-mail address and you would facilitate that transfer. Hence my writing now to find out the specifics.