How much Kobo toolbox makers charge for a project in India?

How much Kobo toolbox makers charge for a project in India ?

Welcome to the community, @rkrpapun22! Did you mean the charge to design and deploy a form for your project in KoboToolbox? If yes, kindly please confirm and I could ping you with some volunteers who would be willing to help you out.

Yes, please

@rkrpapun22, I have changed your post to the job board.

@hakan_cetinkaya @wroos @MohammedTaleb @Andrew1 @rahul_521 @ks_1 @stephenoduor @estefania.avendano @morriz @fadl @Prem @janna @meum92 @osmanburcu @donan28 @Rohitggn @arunarandeniya @mdarshad17 @shadesl @bonouekaiteie @marribork @DatamaniacSteve @Colin @ralphthompson pinging if anyone of you are interested with this assignment!

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Thank you @Kal_Lam, I messaged @rkrpapun22 to understand their needs.

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@hakan_cetinkaya, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Thanks @Kal_Lam

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Hi, That depends on your questionnaire list, if you can share me about it i will give you exactly let contact to my email

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Thank you @Kal_Lam for sharing.
Hi @rkrpapun22, can you share your questionnaire and when you would need this support. If you are a Hindi speaker, I can speak and understand Hindi language properly.

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I can understand both Hindi and english. Please look below questionnaire.

(Attachment HH TOOL 9.11.2023.docx is missing)

(Attachment GHG Format.docx is missing)

Please look at the below questionnaire.

HH TOOL 9.11.2023 (1).pdf (701 KB)

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Hi @rkrpapun22
Thank you for sharing the survey questionnaire. I will review and get back to you as soon as I can. Also can you please let me know when do you require this, so that I can check with my calendar. Thanks.

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Please let me know , how much will you charge for the given questionnaires?

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