How to create a table

Need to create a 5 by 3 table
Screenshot 2024-05-29 124004

Requesting for support,

begin_group table How many of the following are part of this household? field-list w3
note q1 Age category w1
note q2 Females w1
note q3 Males w1
note q4 Children (<18 yrs) w1
integer q5 1-Response true w1
integer q6 1-Response true w1
note q7 Adults (18-35 yrs) w1
integer q8 1-Response true w1
integer q9 1-Response true w1
note q10 Adults (36-59 yrs) w1
integer q11 1-Response true w1
integer q12 1-Response true w1
note q13 Adults (>=60 yrs) w1
integer q14 1-Response true w1
integer q15 1-Response true w1
calculate cal true
acknowledge acknowledge Please confirm your total household size is ${cal} If not correct swipe back and capture again

@kimaru, this support article Question Matrix Response Type should help you design a matrix question type in KoboToolbox.