How to create the following table in kobo collect

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Welcome to the community @rohith_kumar! Would you mind having a look at our support article Question Matrix Response Type. It should help you solve your issue.

Thank You @kal_lam. But the question matrix response type question is not supported in Kobo collect android mobile app as of now. Is there a other way around I can implement this.

Thank you

Hi @rohith_kumar
Unfortunately, we do not have any other approach that can work on collect to address your needs in the table.


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hello! I wanted to know if this issue is still in this state or is there already any possibility of creating a table for processing from cell phones? If I’m not mistaken, two years have passed since this post, so I wanted to know if they would already have at least one option?

Welcome to the community, @daniprueba! The matrix table is only compatible with the web form, aka Enketo. It’s still not supported with the Collect android app.