How to export data from xml file using odk

Hi All,
I have a problem with uploading forms from ODK, so pulled them manually using a flash disk from the tablets we used for the exercise, I want to export them using ODK briefcase but still not working, can you advise what to do???!!!

Welcome to the community, @AbeerAli! Maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

Still not solved, the We have the form (encrypted) where enumerators in the field completed the forms but were not able to submit to MoDa (error 404).

As a workaround, we have copied the forms from the tablets and tried to export through ODK Briefcase. However, we get “Exported 0 submissions”, although we’re passing the private key

If the forms were encrypted, maybe you will need to go through this support article Encrypting Forms. This should solve your issue.