How to get data into Google Data Studio?

Hi @mohan_n,

Thank you for sharing it in details with screenshots for better understanding. This should be very helpful to those who intend to try it out at their end!

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I am trying to link my kobotoolbox with google data, but not all columns could be retrieved by data studio. Can you suggest how to solve the problem?

I am not a pro at this. The connector used in the above tutorial is from the company “supermetrics”. They can better answer your query.
Also I have figured out another way to link kobo data to google data studio, i.e. through google sheets. The googlesheets add-on I use for this is “API Connector”.


Hi sir @mohan_n how did you implemented it using the googlesheets add-on “API Connector”?

Hi @mohan_n, could you please show how to use “API Connector” in order to link kobo data to google sheet?

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I figured this out! Thanks so much for this write up but the instruction is incomplete. Using some info from here: API call sometimes forgets authentication?

I figured it out!

  1. you need to go to here:

type in USERNAME:PASSWORD (use your own obviously), then hit “encode”, then take that BASE64 String and put it in this string, replace YOURSTRINGHERE

{“Authorization”:“Basic YOURSTRINGHERE”}

so you end up with something like

{“Authorization”:“Basic amZzdGF0czpuZWhlb2lhaA==”}

  1. take that and paste into “HTTP Headers” when you set up the connection in data studio.

Now you should be ok because the API needs authentication!

Buy me a coke :smiley:


Welcome tothe community @Ray and thank you for this wonderful post. :clap: It should help a lot of users having an issue with the same. Expecting the same in the upcoming days as well. :star_struck:

May I request a detailed steps of your solution from accessing your KOBO API to DATA STUDIO connection?

Thanks @Ray! for your solution.

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If you look at the original posting from mohan_n, insert my post between his steps 10 and 11, that should be what you need.


Hello all, thanks for a great write up.

@mohan_n did you figure out how to get repeat group questions in data studio?

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I couldn’t figure out.

Oh! I’m stuck in the step suggested by @Ray. I encoded my username:password in base64 and added it to HTTP headers field in data studio, but it gives me an error saying “Unexpected token in object literal”. So I tried authorization with token by :

{“Authorization”:“Bearer MY_TOKEN”}

Now it connects, but the fields are not present, instead there are 2 fields which basically say details not found

EDIT : OMG I just had to change from bearer to Token and it worked!!!

{“Authorization”:“Token MY_TOKEN”}

MY_TOKEN can be obtained from

EDIT 2 : @mohan_n This is working for repeat group questions as well


Hi Community (@Kal_Lam , @mohan_n and everyone)

I have tried to connect my data from Kobotoolbox to Google data studio following the steps by @mohan_n, and I found them here, but I am getting some errors, and I am not able to see any data. Can anyone help me, please? This is super urgent for me, and if anyone knows the answer, I can set up a 20 minutes meeting on “Google meet”, my email is! Thanks very much in advance!

The ERROR I am getting is below:

Thanks very much in advance!

i have emailed you to connect for a possible troubleshoot. though i am not a pro, let us try.

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if you want to get the complete list then you can visit the website from google here is the link

here you will get 800+ data connectors.

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Welcome to the community, @dennisfrancis050! Thank you for sharing this wonderful link. This should be helpful to a lot of users.

@mohan_n espero te encuentres bien, quisiera saber si hay posibilidad de que me oriente en como poder conectar mis datos de Kobo a Google data estudio, la verdad e seguido cada uno de los pasos señalados en este hilo pero no me visualiza por ningún caso la data, me seria de gran utilidad su ayuda.

Muchas gracias.


Thanks for sharing this. I’ve followed exactly what you said but I still can’t connect. I got this error message “Data fetching error: Missing comma in object literal”. What should I do?
Thanks in advance.

Thanks a lot. The connector works perfectly in fetching data in its values.

Would you please suggest if there is a workaround to get the data in “labels”?

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@thet, maybe you could use this API that should use the label instead of the values…

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