How to include the "meta/instance name" column when downloading its XLS Excel form?

Hi all!

I would like to know if is it possible to include the “meta/instance name” column in the XLS Excel form? I can see this column in the KoboToolBox’s data web-interface, but this column does not appear after downloading my data in the XLS Excel form.

Please, let me know if that is possible to do and what steps do I have to follow.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, @Karfitta! When downloading the data in XLS format, you should be able to download all the metadata visible in the Table View. For this, you will need to ensure, as shown in the image below:

  1. Check the Advanced options
  2. Then, ensure that all the variables are checked at the right.

For details, you should also be able to learn more through this support article Exporting and Downloading Your Data.