Hi Catherine,
Did you succeed with the installation? let me know, I can help set up the kobotool box, you can contact me on whatsapp
On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 8:24:48 AM UTC-4, Catherine Rakama wrote:
Hi everyone. I’m a newbie to kobotoolbox. But I have a client who uses it, and wants to deploy it on a cloud server. Any lead on how this can be accomplished? I have never used it before. Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Hello, you change your number?, please share me you e-mail, my e-mail is fausto1mayo@gmail.com
Best regards.
I created a quick youtube video demo for the installation process,
I will be adding more. Here am using
Ubuntu 18, sever specs: 8GB RAM, 200GB its on GCP (Google cloud Platform)
The same process will apply to AWS and other Providers
Note; Ensure you your DNS is configure correctly with sub domains ie kf, ee, kc
When you have error you can run these commands python3 run.py --logs
Hi @stephenoduor,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tutorial and making the community rich with documentation on KoBoToolbox.
Have a great day!
An error has occurred right after installing Recreating nginx-certbot_nginx_1 … done
please help me to config this
Hi @stephenoduor
I do hope you are fine and keeping safe during this COVID-19 situation. Is it possible to provide additional narrative documentation of the process that can be created as a documentation process. We thank you so much for your contribution to the group
Hello @stephanealoo I will be working on more videos with more narative content
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