How to redirect KoBo-Form-Content into a Social-Network-Timeline/UI?


Did anyone of you guys ever set up any sort of interface, enabling users to display and edit their case-data + attachments, a bit like it would happen in a social-network timeline / profile – ? – e. g. with the aim to achieve a chronologically-sorted list of events and documents.

I found this social-media-network ( | ID: Username: demo.admin
Password: 123456 ) intended to work in WORDPRESS-environments and I’m wondering if this or similar products could be tweaked in order to aggregate and display data from a KoBo-Form. It would be useful for us as an association to build on these community-functionalities in order to prepare a gateway for class actions. Do you know any technical bricks matching with KoBoToolbox or have any experience how to connect those dots ? (KoBoToolbox, WORDPRESS, social-media-bricks),

And/or any projects using those, as references to find out how they proceed ?

Any hints much appreciated :slight_smile: