How to repeat the questions

Hi, I need to add repeat group option Kobo. For example my first question would be number of person in the household. So for the persons I have following questions such as name, age, gender, education level and so on. But it shoud be repeated based on the persons in the HH. For example if they say 2, there should be 2 sets of questions. If 1 there should be only one set. I have a coded sheet with such option and when I upload it to the Kobo it works. But i need to know how to do it from build from scratch in Kobo.

Hi @m_ecfsl, kindly take a look at this documentation - Grouping Questions and Repeating Groups — KoboToolbox documentation

This should help you out.

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@surveyorjr, :bowing_man:

@m_ecfsl, this post discussed previously should also help you create a repeat count as advised by @surveyorjr:

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