How to share survey with new surveyors?

Hi There,
I have developed several forms to distribute to multiple surveyors for survey activity.

It feels like the most important part - doesn’t have instructions ?

How do I set up users to share?
What does the user need to do?

I noticed there was an update in collection tools - thus, we will have a mix of iphone / ipad / android devices undertake survey - in web form and kobo collect app - will this affect the format of final survey?

Is there an app for iphone - ie a main screen button to click to bring up Kobo Survey?


Hi John,

To share forms with multiple surveyors, follow these steps:

  1. Set up users:

    • Go to your project on KoboToolBox.
    • Click “Settings” and then “Sharing”.
    • Add the username of your surveyors and assign appropriate permissions.
  2. Instructions for users:

    • Users should install the KoboCollect app (available on Android) or use a web browser for iPhone/iPad.
    • For iPhone/iPad users, save the survey URL as a bookmark or add it to the home screen for easy access.

Using different devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) and collection methods (web form, KoboCollect app) will not affect the final survey data format.

Currently, there isn’t a dedicated KoboCollect app for iPhone, but using the web form is a solid alternative.

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Please confirm if surveyors need to set up accounts to have username?

Yes, account need to be set up for username.

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Great I’ll get them to set up accounts.

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@John.steiner, here are some support articles that may help you manage your sharing permissions: