I am alson facing the same error (500) when trying to deploy the form

I am alson facing the same error (500) when trying to deploy the form. i have validated the form and solved all syntax issues. what could be the problem. kindly help

Welcome to the community, @tonderaisengai! Are you still having deployment issues? Were you able to solve your issue?

i am still failing to deploy

yes i am still facing the same challenge

@tonderaisengai, have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present within your XLSForm that is blocking your deployment.

YES and there are no Errors with the form

i still cant deploy my tools, these are the tools


AGYWTool.xlsx (39.6 KB)
BusinessOwnerTool.xlsx (41.1 KB)

@tonderaisengai, if you look carefully at your XLSForm (the three tabs), you can see this:


Here you have used an uppercase for Settings which is not supported by the system. It should be settings. Fix this and it should solve your issue.