I am getting this error message when l try and deploy the tool

Your environment, why you think this might be happening, or stuff you tried that didn’t work

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?
    your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

ODK Validate Errors: Group has no children! Group: ${group_op6gh03}. The XML is invalid. Group has no children! Group: ${group_vj3po00}. The XML is invalid. >> Xform is invalid! See above for errors and warnings. The following files failed validation: ${tmp3uoiqvcc} Result: Invalid

Your form probably has a begin/end group section with no visible field/variable, as the error message indicates:

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@alfred_ha, as a check, you could also validate your XLSForm through this online validator?