Hi everyone, I am new to this kobotoolbox platform , but i am having challenge fetching my forms from the server. I correctly entered the URL and username and password, but still cannot download forms.
Error Message: how to fix: Form list download fail, Collect can’t reach the server at https://kf.kobotoolbox.org. Did you enter the URL correctly? If you keep having this problem, report to the person who asked you to collect data.
Hi everyone, I am new to this kobotoolbox platform , but i am having challenge fetching my forms from the server. I correctly entered the URL and username and password, but still cannot download forms.
Error Message: how to fix: Form list download fail, Collect can’t reach the server at https://kf.kobotoolbox.org. Did you enter the URL correctly? If you keep having this problem, report to the person who asked you to collect data.
Welcome to the community, @Big! If you have missed this post discussed previously, it should help you solve your issue:
Thanks so kindly for the support and article. But I tried and its still not working. I have also noticed that i have tried these steps already, but it seems not still working. I also realized that with the two server URLs that i saw in the article, mine is slightly different as shown below and in the screenshots:
My Server: https://kf.kobotoolbox.org
Article Server1: https://kc.kobotoolbox.org
Article Server2: https://kc-eu.kobotoolbox.org
Note: the difference between my server URL and that off server1 of the global account URL is that mine is KF instead of KC after the forward slashes.
I am also yet to create the individual enumerators user account.
Any support is highly appreciated.
@Big, this should be the correct URL for your app configuration:
@Kal_Lam , you just did the magic! thanks so kindly. even though my kobotoolbox system presented me with that server URL that i show you earlier as depicted in the screenshot below, I followed your recommendation and it worked perfectly.
Many thanks!
@Big, thank you for bringing this to our attention! It’s a typo in our system. We will fix this immediately.
Welcome! and Thanks once again
@Big, kindly please be informed that the bug has been fixed. FYR …