I am unable to monitor field progress from where I am, says Error 404

Hi. I have two challenges.

  1. I have deployed data to enumerators in a different country from my location. We did set up to collect using mobile android. I am unable to monitor field progress from where I am, says Error 404
  2. We did data collection exercise in remote parts with poor internet connectivity. I unfortunately was not able to help the enumerators to use Kobo App so we had to contend with the “link”. Upto today since Saturday and today is Wednesday. Where did the data from hardworking enumerators disappear to?

@leengugi, would you mind logging our and try logging into your account again? Could you also try using a different browser or even if needed a different PC to see how it behaves?

Feel free to reach us back if you still face this issue.

Thank you, let me work on it now.

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