I am unable to share projects with other users

Hi community,
I have been trying to share an existing project with other users who would like to view and edit the form. It keeps saying it cant identify username.
Please help.

Welcome to the community, @Bkvckk! The KoboToolbox has two publicly hosted servers viz. the global server and the EU server. So with this, a project can only be shared with a user who is from the same server i.e., a user from a global server can share a project with another user from a global server but cannot share it with a user from the EU server. The same applies to a user from the EU server. A user from an EU server can share a project with another user from an EU server but cannot share it with a user from the global server.

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Thank you for your swift response. How do I know which of the servers my account belongs to? Is there no other way to share the form?