I can not upload XLSForm


When I try to upload an XLSForm to my project, the “Uploading file…” screen keeps showing up. I have validated this XLSForm through the online validator, and the following is the message.

Language ‘English (en)’ is missing the survey media::image column.
Language ‘default’ is missing the survey label column.
Language ‘にほんご (jan)’ is missing the survey media::image column.
Language ‘简体字 (zh)’ is missing the survey media::image column.

I tried it on “https://kf.kobotoolbox.org” and “https://eu.kobotoolbox.org
Yesterday, I could, but I can’t upload it to either server today.

Thank you for any help.

Welcome to the community, @Nami! It seems like you have an issue with the translation. Feel free to go through the support articles listed below:

It should help you solve your issue. BTW, please also validate your XLSForm through this online validator. The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present that are affecting your deployment.

Thank you so much!!!
Thanks to your advice, I could identify and resolve the problem.

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@Nami, :tada: :pray: