I can preview or deploy my form. Told it contains errors.."[row : 34] List name not in choices sheet: jo5fc83"

I can’t preview or deploy my form because I’m told it contains errors… [row : 34] List name not in choices sheet: jo5fc83.

I need urgent assistance, please.

Welcome to the community, @Abdulkobotool! You get this error when you have a question either select_one jo5fc83 or select_multiple jo5fc83 in the survey tab of your xlsfrom at row 34, but unfortunately, you do not have the list_name jo5fc83 in the choices tab.

You could download your xlsform and then always validate it through this online validator. It should help you identify the syntax errors that are present within your xlsform.

Thanks a million. Sorted out

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Thanks a million! I edited it an it worked

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