I can't delete Kobo quiz

He intentado eliminar un cuestionario de Kobo y no he podido, he intentado de las dos formas mencionadas en Deleting a Project — KoboToolbox documentation pero no funciona, @Kal_Lam agradecía me pueda ayudar

Welcome to the community, @planpatrocinio! Are you trying to delete a project from your server? Could you also share a screenshot of how it looks when you try to delete a project but are unsuccessful?

hola @Kal_Lam, aparece unable to delete asset, 502 bad gatawey

@planpatrocinio, could you also share a screenshot with us, please? Please also let us know the server you are using. These details should be helpful in troubleshooting.

usamos el servidor humanitarianresponse

@planpatrocinio, which server are you using? The humanitarian server or the non-humanitarian server?

usamos el servidor humanitario

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@planpatrocinio, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

@planpatrocinio, is this the project you are trying to delete?

Please confirm so that I could delete it for you then.

hola @Kal_Lam , si, es ese el proyecto que intentamos borrar

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Hi @planpatrocinio, the project has now been deleted :slightly_smiling_face:

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Muchas gracias por la ayuda =D

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This issue I eas also facing from last weak but unable to get the right answer yet. But when I reach kobol community I get answer of my issue and fix it very soon.
Thanks to kobol for helping.

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