Hi everyone, I’m having same issue
I edit /etc/hosts and add hostname kc.hostname kf.hostname ee.hostname
but issue is there, no changes
I run py --logs:
║ ║
║ KoBoToolbox could not start! ║
║ Please try python3 run.py --logs
to see the logs. ║
║ ║
nelson@nelson-ubuntu:~/kobo-docker/kobo-install$ python3 run.py --logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “run.py”, line 98, in
File “/home/nelson/kobo-docker/kobo-install/helpers/command.py”, line 224, in logs
if config.primary_backend or config.secondary_backend:
File “/home/nelson/kobo-docker/kobo-install/helpers/config.py”, line 492, in p rimary_backend
File “/home/nelson/kobo-docker/kobo-install/helpers/config.py”, line 506, in m ulti_servers
return self.__dict[‘multi’]
KeyError: ‘multi’
I don´t undestand what thas mean.
Please help, I’m using ubuntu 20.04 in a temporal virtualbox installation