Dear Kal_Lam, i have deployed the sample for you shared, but it only shows start-time value after I submitted.
I dont know there is other settings that i misssed out
Welcome to the community, @isa_jugudum ! Did you use this workaround shared previously?
Hi @rahhal ,
If this is your requirement, you could do it as shown in the image below:
In the survey tab of your xlsform:
[Image 1]
Data recorded in the KoBoToolbox server:
[Image 2]
Reference xlsform:
Start & End Time (Metadata).xlsx (9.7 KB)
N.B. Please note that the time difference calculated in this approach cannot be displayed in the form as you are not able to capture the end time. End time are captured once you press the Save button or the Submit button.
Have a great day!
Dear @Kal_Lam thank you for the feedback.
I have used this process but it doesn’t work well as you shared.
It only shows the start_t, but it doesn’t show the value for end_t.
the .xlsx from