I have updated data on the Kobo server and when I download them, I lost those new columns added, How can I get these data

I have updated data on the Kobo server and when I download them, I lost those new columns added, how can I get these data in excel since the new columns are empty?

@triumvirate, would you mind going to the end of your data and then checking if you are able to see the data there for those that are missing? Generally, when you make changes and redeploy the data collected after that change goes to the end.

Kindly please also feel free to go through this support article Recovering Data From Previous Form Versions which should also be helpful for you when recovering your data from an old form version.

Dear Kal_Lam,

For more details,

We have recently started a survey and at the end of day one, we realized that there were missing questions in our form. We subsequently added these questions to the form (XLSForm) and redeployed it. We have collected the information for these new questions from the respondents interviewed on day one and entered their data into Kobo using the edit function from the server.

When we check the table on the server, the data for the new questions are present, but not at the end as mentioned. However, when we download the Excel sheet, it comes up empty for those new questions, especially for the respondents interviewed on day one.

Could you please assist us in resolving this issue or provide support on how to recover the missing data?

Thank you for your assistance.