I humbly request ụ to help me with a good material that teaches from the basics, how to write an XLS form for surveys

Hope this meets ụ well?

From a determined and dogged soul, a passionate appeal for tech assistance.

I humbly request ụ to help me with a good
material that teaches from the basics, how to write an XLS form for surveys.

Ur assistance will be greatly appreciated.



hey @chukspimp30,

I hope watching a YouTube tutorial on that would help.

Thank you!

@chukspimp30, you should be able to learn from the following sites:

You may also have a look at the Help Center articles (link at the bottom), and here, please: XLSForm Tutorial: Your first form - ODK Docs.
And there are good topic specific videos from Jana: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ljHBzMEHRJM.

Further Hints: Always test your form with the Online validator, during development and before deployment. And you can use the search function of this forum (lense link on top) to find previous problem discussions and examples. You might also think about using ODK Collect instead of KoboCollect (see https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGUj8eR3sSM).

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