I need depending Sex and Age, if Sex="mujer’ and Age=8 then take the value of ${totalcyc} and put the value

Now I have a problem with this code, I need depending Sex and Age, if Sex="mujer’ and Age=8 then take the value of ${totalcyc} and put the value so:
if(${Sexo} = ‘mujer’,
if(${Edad} < 8,
if(${totalcyc} < 4.8, ‘Insuficiente’,
if(${totalcyc} >= 4.8 and ${totalcyc} <= 6.6, ‘En Progreso’,
if(${totalcyc} >= 6.7 and ${totalcyc} <= 7.3, ‘Suficiente’,
if(${totalcyc} > 7.3, ‘Excelente’, ‘’))))))
I put the code but is a mistake. Thank you

@carlosv, maybe you will need to share the relevant part of your XLSForm with the community so that the community can help you.

However, you should be able to learn more about the if-statement through our community posts that have been discussed previously here.