I would like to know how can I create a condition where I will get another question if what I get in the previous question as response is different in the condition

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Pleaase, I would like to know how can I create a condition where I will get another question if what I get in the previous question as response is different in the condition.

For example: If would like to get the NIC (National Identification Card) number or the FIN (Fiscal Identification Number) of a respondent in a survey. In the first question I ask him the NIC, if he has not the NIC but he has the FIN and wants to share the FIN with me, I put 8888 to generate automatically a second question to ask him the FIN. But if he does not want to share niether the NIC nor the FIN, I put 9999.

Now I would to have another question to ask him if I can take the picture of his NIC or FIN card if he accepted to give me one of them. I would like to get a condition for another question where the response was different of “9999” in the first question. That means, if he gave me the NIC in the first question, I have to have automatically a question which ask him if I can take the picture, or if he had not the NIC but he had the FIN and wanted to share it with me I put 8888 in the first question to give possibility to save the FIN in a second question, I the want the following question is asked the picture. But if he did not give neither the NIC nor the FIN, the third question which ask the picture does not appear.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Welcome @agroof,
Did you already study the Help Center article(s), please?, for example Adding Skip Logic — KoboToolbox documentation.

You may also have a look at the XLSForm Docs.

Furthermore, the search function of this forum can often provide answers and examples, e.g. Search results for 'relevant following question' - KoboToolbox Community Forum.

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@agroof, this post discussed previously, as advised by @wroos, should guide you on how to achieve what you are trying to do: