[row : 93] Badly formatted table list, list names don’t match: yes_no vs. ue8eg93
someone help please
Yes, i am trying to validate but it brings this error here Error: [row : 93] Badly formatted table list, list names don’t match: yes_no vs. shelter
I tried to change the list names to shelter but still…
[row : 93] Badly formatted table list, list names don’t match: yes_no vs. ue8eg93
Welcome to the community, @pwjteam1! You should be able to solve such issues by validating your XLSForm through this online validator.
@pwjteam1, kindly please avoid making multiple posts for the same issue.
Regarding your issue, go to the survey tab of your XLSForm and then check row 93. Once you check the question in row 93, see the option (choices) for the same under the choices tab. The issue should be hidden there.
can I send the survey bit and choices part. I’m really stuck.
@pwjteam1, you could share your XLSForm with the community! You could also use the job board if you are in urgent need. Our community would be happy to help you through the job board.
So what is the issue here? Maybe it would also be easy if you tried to build your survey project through the Formbuilder UI.
That where i’m building it from
But i did not see your issue from the screenshot you shared above.
me neither…i do not really understand…
I happen to encounter the same problem today. After a brief research I found that the reason you get this error is if you have select_options with different list_name in a group field-list appearance. You may replace the table-list with field-list instead.