I'm having trouble downloading my data

Hello dear team,

I have created a data collection questionnaire with 30 thousand identifiers for a survey currently in progress. I have recently (April 05) subscribed to the professional plan to give me access to more data.

Currently, about 250 respondents have already been surveyed.

However, I’m having trouble exporting and downloading the database. The process seems to be “stuck” at the export stage.

Could you please help me? Thank you very much

Welcome to the community, @martin_kouame! So, do you mean you now have around 250 submissions for your project, and you are not able to download the data from the server? Correct?

Could you also let us know which server you are using? Please also let us know the total number of questions your project has. Could you also kindly share a screenshot of your issue so that we can understand your issue pictorially?

Thank you @Kal_Lam ! Yes at but as of today, i have 470 submissions for my project and exactly as you said, i am not able to download the data from the server.

I am using the Global KoboToolbox Server. My project has a total of 56 questions but because the number of expected respondents is very high, the worksheet of my xlsform named “choices” has 30,115 lines (around 30,000 ident of respondents).

Here is a screenshot of my issue…

Thank you!

@martin_kouame, it seems like your choices sheet has a lot of choices. Maybe you had to try using an external CSV file for the same.

Have you tried downloading your data in the XLS (legacy) format?