Improve french translation in KOBO interface

Hi there,

During our work we are working with the KOBO interface in different languages and we believe the translation of interface into french should be improved.

We list some examples:

  • “sélectionner une” → “choix unique”
  • “sélectionner plusieurs” → “choix multiple”
  • “criteres de passage” → “saut de question”
  • “chiffre” → “chiffre entier”
  • “accuser” → “accuser réception”
  • “télécharger” → importer formulaire
    But there are others, it would be good to have a full check of the website by a francophone knowing about MDC

I am using KOBO Humanitarian response

It could make KOBO interface more understandable for users and so, facilitate their works.

Thanks to think about it :slight_smile: