In the KoboCollect settings, I encounter a transcription difficulty

Hello Kal
I’m trying to create or do an interview using the KOBOCOLLECT app
However in the settings, I encounter a transcription difficulty whose screen is as follows

@nomolos, could you share with the community a screenshot of your issue so that the community should also be able to understand your issue pictorially?

Uploading: Capture d’écran 2023-04-24 135359.jpg…
Uploading: WNCB KPI MTR_QUALI.xlsx…

Hello Kal
I’m trying to create or do an interview using the app
KOBOCOLLECT However in the settings, I encounter a transcription difficulty whose screen is as follows
Uploading: Capture d’écran 2023-04-24 135359.jpg…
Uploading: WNCB KPI MTR_QUALI.xlsx…

Uploading: WhatsApp Image 2023-04-25 at 18.07.21.jpeg…
Uploading: WNCB KPI MTR_MENAGE_vf24042023.xlsx…
validation of the survey file is correct on the site ODK - XLSForm Online v2.x ( we observe this message whose screen is attached. Need help

@nomolos, we are still unable to see the required screenshot on our end. This is what we see (if you see the same differently) …