I’m trying to insert line breaks into notes for a survey that will be deployed on the web. I see there’s been some previous questions on this but I can’t find a working answer. I’ve tried putting ‘\n’ where I want to have a line break but this doesn’t seem to work and I just have the \n in the text when the form is displayed, not the line break. Has anyone cracked this?
Welcome to the community @coil! You could simply do this by pressing the ALT+Enter
Key in your xlsform where you need a line break.
In the survey tab of your xlsform:
Data entry screen as seen in Enketo:
Reference xlsform:
I can insert line breaks to kobotoolbox from web version? And how?
Welcome back to the community, @estatistics! Maybe you will need to try using ALT+ENTER
. This may however vary based on your operating system.
In web version? I use chrome in linux environment. I tried such combination, nothing happened. Otherwise? /p? /b? Are not used? I tried them but text was not formatted as expected with line breaks.
Our community could chime in and share their experience which should help you solve the issue.
Hi @estatistics
If you need to structure your notes in a way that there are line breaks, you should consider doing this differently. You can add several note questions in a group and then set the group to have a filed-list apperance to it.
Hello @Stephanealoo, I did just that, thanks.
I think this is a general problem that has gone on for too long. A.l everyone is looking for is a way to set text wrapping for notes and text fields. The gurus developing kobotoolbox should please do something about this quickly.
A form is viewed o several screen sizes and it’s really unproductive to see a text as a single unending line on small mobile phones.
I have forms with itemized instructions on separate lines in a note field that when pulled by a child form comes out as a single incoherent line of text,with each line appended to the single line.
Please help.
Hi Steph,
I’m still looking for a solution. I have a comment (note) field in a parent form, pulled in to a child form with a join function. I tried using alt-Enter,
, /n, /p, etc as separators at different times, but the comments just get appended to the ends of the previous ones.
I used a repeat and got the desired line by line layout, but they are boxed and the aesthetics doesn’t represent our intended outlook. Besides, the repeats sometimes fail to show everything unless you refresh the screen a couple of times, but the user may not know that some comments have been omitted.
Can you please reach out to the developers to help fix these line breaks and wrapping issues.
It’s a critically needed upgrade, as minor as it appears.
Thank you.