Invalid message blocking access to Blank Form

I am working with a group of enumerators in Mexico. They each created Kobotoolbox accounts, installed KoboCollect on their Android devices. I added their usernames and selected Managers to give them access to the questionnaire. They opened KoboCollect on their phone, entered the URL, their usernames and passwords, and, when attempting to “Get Blank Form,” received the message ‘username and password are invalid.’ We triple checked that usernames, passwords, and the URL were entered correctly. They still received the invalid message. On my own device and that of another person in the United States, I have been able to get the blank form. Please help.


Su grupo de colaboradores deben de poner en su dispositivos móviles la URL de servidor donde están almacenados los formularios seguido del nombre de usuario desde donde se implementaron los proyectos.

También soy de México.

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@mmfd, I backup with what @kobo_conafe024 has advised. But if you feel like the URL is still correct, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

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Gracias kobo_conafe024!

Para confirmar, si el usuario que creó el cuestionario fuera maria2023 y el colaborador tuviera usuario maria2024 y contraseña xxxx123, el colaborador debe poner en su dispositivo movíl:

URL KoboToolbox
usuario: xxxxxxx
contraseña: xxxxxxx

¿Así es?

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@Kal_Lam Thank you for your message. The username under which the project was created is margyy, the project name is Encuesta de La Liga, and the server is


la URL que debería poner para poder descargar los formularios es KoboToolbox

Recuerda que aunque se pueden compartir los proyectos (formularios) desde donde los puedes descargar para ser contestados en la aplicación es desde la cuenta donde se implemento. Y los demás usuarios con los que se comparte solo podrán visualizar los envíos a los que se les haya dado acceso.

Quedaría como se muestra en la imagen


44 48 85 39 85

Ok. Gracias!

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@mmfd, @kobo_conafe024, if you are using the EU server, please use this URL moving forward to configure your app:

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Thanks @Kal_Lam . I am not using the EU server, so have been inputting the URL: As an update, some colleagues have successfully accessed the survey via KoboCollect on their Android OS mobile phones, suggesting that the configuration is correct. They are checking with the others to see if there are any additional difficulties. If any arise and I cannot figure out solutions, I’ll revert back to you. Thanks again.

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@mmfd, in case you are still having the issue, this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue: