IOS Kobocollect app

Are there any plans to port Kobocollect to IOS? I know there is currently no app and ios users must use the Enketo web forms.

@dtrotman, pinging in @Xiphware, who should be able to explain more on this.

However, you should still be able to use Collect android app on your iOS, as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Can anyone share the guide to do it?

Welcome to the community, @Johncaeter851! If you are looking for these steps, here it is…

Has there been any updates on this? I am just curious because I am working on a project where it is senior citizens who use the Kobocollect app and are already slightly limited in their tech knowledge and won’t be able to install an Android emulators, it is also a lot of work just for one app. The enketo web forms do not work well unfortunately. So if anyone can tell me if it will be available on the app store, thanks!

How sophisticated is your form (can you perhaps post your XLSForm here)? Do you require translations and/or repeat groups?

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Hi I cannot attach the XLSForm as I am a new user. And yes, it’s a multi-language form, and the location dropdown has repeated option names. The form isn’t very complex, but the file size is large due to the extensive dropdown options for locations.