Is it possible if I customize/modify the form that I want to print according to the needs of the organization?

Is it possible if I customize/modify the form that I want to print according to the needs of the organization?

Thank you

@fahmi_admin, could you kindly elaborate on your issue so that we could help if it’s possible through KoboToolbox?

@Kal_Lam Sorry for the late reply to your message, so for example I create a form containing 249 questions, where each question must be answered by the enumerator/user, and for example one day I will print the questions and answers in the form,

  • can I modify it so that the number of pages I print is not too much paper but the printout already includes the entire contents of the form
    (because I tried to test the preview of 249 questions if I print about 28 sheets of paper)
  • is there another way so that the filled form can be accessed/shared (only viewed) by others outside my organization without having to have an ODK account.