Is it possible to change ownership of a particular form and not the entire account?

Is it possible to change ownership of a particular form and not the entire account?

Welcome to the community, @ifenoiki! Could you kindly explain your issue with a bit of a context so that the community should also be able to understand and help you out.

Thanks @Kal_Lam. Basically, I have projects within my account that I’d like to transfer the ownership to another account; without having to give-up my account.

@ifenoiki, we have a work-in-progress feature that is very close to going live, which will transfer the project ownership. So with this feature, you should be able to transfer the project to another account from within the KoboToolbox environment. I will let you know once when it’s live.

But in the meantime, if you are in extreme need of the same, you could use our Python snippet that has already been shared in our forum previously:

Thanks @Kal_Lam Looking forward to the announcement as well.

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