Copy database from one project to another

como puedo pasar los datos de un proyecto a otro proyecto con la misma estructura… no formularios, sino data… registros ingresados en los formularios… a otro proyecto similar

Welcome to the community, @rudamarco!

Hi @rudamarco, we have a tool here that is under development but has been built for this purpose:

Although it is still under development, it will work if both your projects are on KoboToolbox servers, i.e. you can transfer data from an identical project on the humanitarian server to one on the non-humanitarian server.


do i need programming skills to do it ? because when i click on the link and went to the site i wasn’t able to do it

Hi @Josh
I created a pull request and added a new argument that can filter submissions from src by their uuid. I needed to transfer only specific submissions so I edited few lines.

Hi Josh,

First of all, I appreciate your effort in developing the tool. I have one minor question. I cloned the project and tried to use it, but I encountered some issues. My scenario is as follows:
I have two Kobo accounts. The first account has a project with already collected data, while the second account is a new account. I want to transfer my project form and data to the new account.
I have followed the instructions and created a “config.json” file with source and destination information. The source file has “asset_uid” because the project is already created. However, for the destination part, do I need to create a project with the same name and form? Does the code generate a new “uid” automatically for the new Kobo account?
I tried to create a project in the new account with the same project name as the old one and ran the code, but it gave me the following error:

“`”, line 8, in
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
File “c:\Users\xxxx\kobo-transfer\transfer\”, line 8, in

PS C:\Users\xxxxxx\kobo-transfer> python --config-file config.json
:male_detective: Validating config file
:camera_flash: Getting all submission media
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\xxxxx\kobo-transfer\”, line 121, in
File “C:\Users\xxxxx\kobo-transfer\”, line 38, in main
submission_edit_data = get_submission_edit_data()
File “C:\Users\xxxxx\kobo-transfer\transfer\”, line 17, in get_submission_edit_data
v, v = get_info_from_deployed_versions()
File “C:\Users\xxxx\kobo-transfer\transfer\”, line 214, in get_info_from_deployed_versions
latest_deployment = deployed_versions[‘results’][0]
IndexError: list index out of range`