I sometimes have problems loading the form, so I think it is because of the size of the form, and now it does not let me generate reports in excel, it keeps generating the file, but it does not finish it.
Hi Kal_Lam,
Today it worked fine for me, I think I had a lot of older versions, so that was not allowing me to make the reports, so that was the problem.
My previous question is, that my form is very large, it is for taking data for solar plant planning, so I wanted to put in a lot of information regarding solar panel brands, etc. I had to reduce the form a little bit, but I don’t know exactly if there is a limit for it?
Thank you Kal_Lam, the problem is that i have too many choices in my choices tab, Is there a specific tool in Kobotool to use external choices?
Thank you for your time, best regards
Hi Kal_Lam with the same form as last time, I have been trying the various forms that you have given me, but they do not work.
I copied the solution that is there (Select_one choice filter form another select_one), it works once and when I enter to modify it, the following error appears.
Zeile konnte nicht angezeigt werden:
type=“select_one_from_file” name=“CDC_Code” Label=“CDC Code” hint=“Select the Modell” requiered=“true”… here the file select_one_from_file.xlsx (15.4 KB) CDC_Code.csv (35.5 KB)