Is there a way for me to share my project with colleagues so they help in the management of end Users (adding/removing users who the form is shared with), without giving them permission to change any of the data?


I have a few Projects, in which I’m the sole administrator. And then I have many end Users (enumerators) with whom these projects are shared with. They have the following permissions:

  • view form
  • view subsmissions only from specific users (only themselves).
  • add submissions

I do the management part (adding / removing Users from the Share list, updating the xlsform, updating the respective media files when necessary and in rare instances, deleting rogue submissions in the Data tab). And the Users do the collection/submitting part. This has been working well so far :slight_smile:

Now I have a new requirement.
I need to add a couple new users, they’re colleagues and their objective is to assist me in adding / removing Users from the Share list.

I have a few concerns though: I don’t want them to be able to mess with the xlsform, or media files, or the Data itself as I consider all of it, a dangerous area, where it’s quite easy to mess things up.

So I have 2 questions:

  1. Should I share the project with my colleagues and give them the permission “Manage project” ?
  2. How do I address my concerns?

@ivanradisson, so as an admin user you don’t want users to be able to do the following:

  • Download XLSForm
  • Upload any XLSForm to the existing project
  • Download Data
  • Download or upload any Media Files

Did I get you correctly? Feel free to list anything else if I have missed. Please also be informed that KoboToolbox a the moment does not support this feature but we could keep it in our roadmap for future improvements.

But at the same time please also be informed that if you provide manage permissions access to any user that user will have a lot of access to your project who can make the changes listed above. The only way so far is to provide the enumerates with add and view submission permissions.

Feel free to elaborate if I missed your points or understood you differently.