Is there a way to download the data with the attachment at the same time?

Next isssue sir if there is a way to download the data with the attachment at the same time, data and attachment can only be download separately…i downloaded the media each image has its own folder where it is hard to compile those attachment especialy when i link the data to the attachmen, it should be 1 folder after downloading and all atachement is within 1 folder…

hoping this issue will be address…thank you…

@shoyhen, the downloads you are referring are in 2 different formats. One is the XLS format while the other is the media format. Hence it has 2 different downloads. You could however link the downloaded media image with the Include media URLs under the DATA>Downloads as shown in the image below:

Note that this feature is currently available only on the HHI server but it should be available with the OCHA server soon. For details you could also follow the announcement:

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Hi @shoyhen, if you are familiar with Python, you can modify the script here for your purposes: GitHub - joshuaberetta/kobomedia

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