I am working on a web application in which the users of the application should be able to answer a set of questions (that are actually the questions in a form already deployed using KoBoToolbox). We should be able to customize the responses to add the profile details of the current user and thus generate a custom JSON data to be posted to the form.
I need to know if there is an API endpoint already available to post data into a form (i.e, to make a form submission) in JSON format?
Will this work for you? https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/submissions
(Note that you’ll need to match their X form spec.)
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Hi @taylordowns2000,
Thank You very much! It worked for me.
But I got another confusion, I had created my forms in kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/. But to use the API that you suggested I had to create a separate account in https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/.
May I know the difference between the two?
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Ooh. That’s a question better answered by the Kobo folks themselves. (I actually work for OpenFn, a group that focuses on integation—connecting Kobo to other systems/databases/etc—and I am not 100% sure about differences across those servers/plans off the top of my head.)
That said, this post seems to suggest that the humanitarian server has a similar (if not the same) API: KoBo API examples, using new KPI endpoints
Have you tried accessing the same endpoints from your particular implementation’s baseURL? For what it’s worth, we haven’t run into any clients who don’t have access to that API before and we work with lots of folks in the health and humanitarian sectors, so my guess is that it’s the same across the board. Hope this is a helpful start.
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Hi @mary2020,
There are two instances hosted by KoBoToolbox. OCHA
with the link kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/ and HHI
with the link https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/.
So if you look at the submissions endpoints its https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/submissions for the HHI
server and https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/submissions for the OCHA
For details, you could also have a look at our support article Which Server Should I Use?
Have a great day!
Hi @mary2020
You can also use the API on the humanitarian server, I however strongly recommend that you ensure that you are using the right server as you mentioned.
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