I have problems showing all the columns in a matrix. When I edit in the kobo page all the columns show well, but when the forms is deployed all the columns in the matrix do not allow to select the responses. This is the xlsform: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSuHwd4_iQMPlY_fe7f_6djlxWrlyrPfCIypgi2MSstnmL4a8WF84GRY7O42Iu_J3Bmf7EaszublL7r/pub?output=xlsx
Welcome to the community, @andresfuse! What is the total number of columns that you wish to have in your matrix question?
The original number is 8. I supposed that this could be a problem, so I changed the number of columns to 6 and 4, but it had the same problem.
8 columns should not be too much for a matrix question. Have you gone through our support article Question Matrix Response Type to see if you have missed any steps that is causing the issue?
@andresfuse, seems like you will need to go through this Grid Theme as outlined in the Enketo Blog. This should help you solve your issue.