Issue with media::image

Hi. I have issues with adding a logo or any images to my xls form. I am following the supporting documents but it does not work. All the time I try to add an images in the media::image column, I get an error message:

There is an unnamed translation in your form definition. Please give emphasized text a name to all translations in your form. Use “Manage Translations” option from form landing page.

I am not using any other language than English.

Thank you for your support.

Hello @heleneb,
Please share the XLSForm. The community member will help you.

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Hi, I believe you have more than one language in your form right? if yes, the column name should needs to change slightly. If you can confirm and share the code of the translation i could help

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Hi Osmanburcu. Thanks for your support. I changed the name of my media:image column by adding the same termination as my label column ::English (en) and it works! Thanks

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@heleneb, this support article Adding Various Types of Media (image, audio, video) to a Form should also be helpful for you.