Issues with downloading images through hyperlink

I encounter the same problem although I follow the steps.


Could you please advise?

Welcome to the community, @helios_me! Would you mind sharing the screenshot of the same?

Thank you!

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@helios_me. could you also let us know when do you see this error message? Maybe your steps should help us replicating your issue at our end.

I follow these instructions Downloading Photos and Other Media — KoBoToolbox documentation

The message appears when I click on a link to open the media file.
I am signed in my user account in my default browser.

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We have several reports on this issue and we are looking at it. Will get back to you when the same is settled.

Noted. Thank you!

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@helios_me, would you mind using this formula as shown in the image shared below:


From the formula shared above, please be sure you use the correct server URL: if you are using the OCHA server and if you are using the HHI server.

Similarly, please be sure to change your username and also the cell position.

Kindly please be informed that we will update our support article soon.

Thank you Kal_Lam but unfortunately I still receive the same error message.

@helios_me, please be informed that when you try to use the hyperlink to download your images, you will need to …

  • Either open your survey project in the same browser where you are trying to download/load your images.
  • Or, you will need to make your data public if you do not wish to open the survey project in the same browser.

I do have data public.
I just noticed that I have this problem only with signatures and not with photos.
(it is signatures that I want to collect)

OK, will check it out and get back to you.

@helios_me, was the signature collected through Enketo?

After your question I tried to collect them through the App and I had no issue.

So, yes, the problem is when I collect them through Enketo. Is there anything we can do?

Will get back to you when we solve this issue.

Hello @helios_me,

Do you have more than one signature in your form? We have found an issue with Enketo.
We also opened an issue for the table view to report broken links.

In case you are not using Offline mode or you have only one signature in your form, can you tell us which browser and os versions you are using to collect data with Enketo?

Thank you.

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