Issues with integer and decimal question types

Hi there
Not sure what information you need to help work out the issues here. we’ve been using this form for about 3 months now with no issues but the other day we started having the same issue that many other users were having
TypeError: this.form.repeatPathPrefixes is not iterable.
This has gone away. Now a couple of the questions have kind of disappeared.
this is the form in question - Enketo Express for KoboToolbox
and the weird part is - when i first open in English - it works at first. Then when i change language to khmer - three questions are messed up:

  1. Attendance group does not show
  2. Activity evaluation - a grid table shows but cannot take any data entries there
  3. Age (of participant) field is missing
    We haven’t made any changes to the form for ages that would cause any issues.
    also note the same issue with the grid theme not sticking there (I remember initially i had only to select grid theme in the formstyle box… and it worked).
    Any help would be appreciated! Might it be related to the issue from the TypeError problem the other day?
    Sorry - you must have so many bugs to deal with!

PS - i’m on the non-humanitarian server

@tabas, please be informed that the issue has been resolved! Thank you for bringing this to the community!

@Kal_Lam Thank you! You guys are amazing. Really appreciate your responsiveness and working to help us. Happy Christmas

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@tabas, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: