Issues with Missing Forms in Kobo Export

Good afternoon,

We have been increasingly encountering an issue where forms submitted in Kobo do not appear in the export. Some forms may appear after a few days, while others do not appear at all. What could be the problem? Could it be an issue with the device or some other technical aspect? I used to think it was an issue with a specific person, but these cases have become more frequent. At the beginning of July, 20 forms were submitted, and none of them have appeared in my export to date.

@soeungi, do you see the correct submissions on the server? Could you also let us know which server you are using?

Server eu
“do you see the correct submissions on the server?” - I don’t quite understand this question, can you explain? The situation is like this: when staff members take surveys and submit them, some of them don’t appear anywhere. They are not in the drafts. They are not in my export. They’re not in the Data - Table either.

They say all the missing submissions were uploaded online. So no drafts. Is there a possibility that if the internet connection is poor, the questionnaires are not in drafts, but they are not uploaded online either?