Knowledge attitude and practice of adolescents towards STIs prevention

Dear respondent, Iam ATUHAIRE NICKSON, Reg. No: 2021AP/BNS/1125 a student of King Ceasor University pursuing a Bachelor‘s Degree in Nursing. As a course requirement, a research study is supposed to be carried out to fulfil it. You are invited to participate in the study titled, “Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Adolescents Towards Sexually Transmitted Infections at Kisenyi Health Centre IV Kampala District”. The information will be confidentially treated and strictly used for research purposes. Results from this study will enrich ground information about awareness among adolescents about the different types of STIs in order to add data for further research.
For the Respondent
I am agreeing to participate in a research project with a purpose of assessing my knowledge, attitude and practices towards STIs. The information I will give will be the basis for measurement of my awareness in regard to my sexual practices to ascertain the propensity I stand to be safe from STIs.
My privacy and safety will be maintained. I can decline to answer any question or withdraw from the study any time. The interview is entirely voluntary and does not entail any foreseeable risks and direct benefits. All data will be maintained in a safe place by the researcher for one year and then shredded. Benefits of participation may include a contribution to scholarly research that identifies issues of prevention of STIs to improve reproductive life among the adolescents. Participation: My refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which I am otherwise entitled. I will not be compensated for my participation. An offer is to answer all the questions about the study. I will be given a copy of the dated and signed consent form to keep.
Respondent’s /Care taker’s Signature;…………………………………………
Researcher:…………………………….……… ………………………………….
Thank you so much for your time
APPENDIX II: Research Questionnaire
Dear respondent, am ATUHAIRE NICKSON, Registration Number, 2021AP/BNS/1125, a student of King Ceasor University pursuing a Bachelor‘s Degree in Nursing. As a course requirement, a research study is supposed to be carried as a partial fulfilment. You are invited to participate in the study under the title, Knowledge, attitude and practices of adolescents towards sexually transmitted infections at Kisenyi Health Centre IV Kampala District. I dearly appeal for your participation to make it a success. The information provided will be treated with privacy and will strictly be used for academic research purposes by the researcher. Your time and cooperation will highly be appreciated.
Instruction: Tick the most appropriate option against the questions
SECTION A: Social Demographic Characteristics of The Respondents

  1. What is your gender?
    a) Female b) Male

  2. What is your age?

    a) Between 10-12years b) 17-19 years
    c) 13-16 years
    3.State highest level of education?
    a)No formal education b) Primary
    c) Secondary d) Tertiary education
    e) Others, (specify) ……………………………………………………………………….
    4.What is your marital status?
    a)Single b) Married
    c) Divorced d) Widow/widower
    e) Others, (specify) ……………………………………………………………………
    5.What is your religion?
    a)Muslim b) Christians
    c) Others
    6.i) What is your occupation?
    a)House wife b) Civil servant
    c) Self-employed d) Student
    e) Unemployed f) Others, (specify) ……………………….

SECTION B: Knowledge Of Adolescents Towards The Prevention Of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Variable Category Frequency Percent
Heard of sexually transmitted infections Yes
Understanding of sexually
transmitted infections Diseases transmitted through
unprotected sexual intercourse
Infections spread through body contact between lovers
It is HIV and Gonorrhoea
Heard of prevention of
sexually transmitted infections Yes
Understanding of prevention of sexually transmitted infections Avoid engaging in unsafe sexual practices
Avoid sharing of body fluids and blood
Avoid any contact with anybody having STIs
List of STIs known HIV and Gonorrhea
HIV and Candidiasis
HIV and Syphilis
Source of information about
STIs Humanitarian workers
Health care facility
Knows STIs preventive
methods Yes
STIs preventive methods Condoms
Withdraw method
Being faithful
Use of pills
Is Condom use the most
effective preventive method? Yes
Modes of transmission of STIs Sexual intercourse
Blood contact
Body contact
Sharing clothes
Signs and symptoms of STIs Painful urination and itching
Milky secretion of fluids from
Rashes in the genitalia
Stomach pain and headache
Do you know the places where to seek STIs services? Yes

SECTION C: Attitude of Adolescents Towards Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Use a Likert scale to answer the following questions. These include; SD= Strongly disagree, D= Disagree, NS= Not sure, A= Agree and SA= Strongly Agree.
No. Variable SD D NS A SA

  1. Respondents freely seek STIs testing and counselling services
    2 Respondents freely live with people having STIs
  2. Respondents feel free if their sexual partners suggest testing for HIV
  3. Respondents feel being at risk of STIs infection even if they had one sexual partner
  4. Apart from sex, there are other routes of
    transmission of STIs
    6 Respondents freely marry any partner regardless of their sex history
  5. Respondents freely use a condom on every sexual intercourse
  6. Respondents freely use a condom to her /his sexual partners if he/she suspect any STI infection
  7. Believes engagement in sexual intercourse once with a STIs infected person leads to infection
  8. Respondents need sex education 	 	 	 	 	 

SECTION D: Practices of Adolescents Towards the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections
25.i) Have you ever engaged in sexual intercourse?
a)Yes b) No
26.i) Are you married?
a)Yes b) No
ii) If you are not married, do you have a sexual partner?
a) Yes b) No
iii) If yes how many sexual partners do you have?
a) One b) Two
a) Three b) Four and above
iv) If you have more than one, give reasons for having many?
27.i) Have you been in more than one sexual relationship in the last three months before the study?
a)Yes b) No
b) ii) How did you come to engage in sex for the first time?
a) Willingly b) Unwillingly
d)Others (specify)………………………………………….………………………………
28.i) Have you ever used condoms?
a) Yes b) No
ii) If yes, how often do you use condoms?
a) Always b) Usually
c) Sometimes d) Others (specify)…………………………
iii) Did you use condoms during the last sexual intercourse?
a)Yes b) No
b) iv) If yes, did you experience any condom breakage in recent sexual intercourse?
a) Yes b) No
29.i) Have you ever undergone STIs Voluntary Counselling and Testing services?
a)Yes b) No
ii) Give reasons for your answer
iii) Do you seek Voluntary Counselling and Testing for STIs services on a routine basis? a) Yes b) No
ii) When you get a new sexual partner, do you first test for STIs before sexual intercourse? a) Yes b) No ii) Give reasons for your answer. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Welcome to the community, @atuheire! Is it that you wish for help to design this survey form for you? If yes, please let the community know so that I could change your post to job board.

@Kal_Lam if you need help to desing, happy to help

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