KOBO API website returns bad gateway

I want to get a list of forms deployed on the humanitarian server, so I went to KoBoToolbox Form Building API to GET the data, but after taking a long time to load, it says 502 Bad Gateway.
How do I resolve this issue?

Maybe you could have also tried as outlined in the support article Pulling Data Into Excel Power Query.

Hi @paani, it could be that you have many projects resulting in a timeout on the request. Can you try adding a query parameter of limit=20 (or try other numbers) and then you can paginate the responses.

Thank you for your responses. I used api v1 as @Kal_Lam suggested. It worked.
In future if I have to use api v2, how would i add the query parameter to the URL as @Josh suggested?

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Hi @paani, you can do the following to limit the response:


At that URL, you can also see the documentation for other query parameters that may be of interest.